Baby Girl Bouquet


A seasonal selection of pinks and other complimentary pastels arranged in our signature pink and white striped wrap accompanied with an Alimrose linen baby toy and Baby Girl greetings card. Choose from two price points.


Please call our store to arrange timed deliveries. For any deliveries $16 and under this will incur an additional $8 surcharge on top of the designated delivery fee. Delivery fees above $16 will incur a surcharge of 50% on top of the total delivery fee. Payment can be made by calling our store : 0439768444

Event deliveries with time requests will incur addditional delivery fee and will be calculated on volume.

A Photo with time stamp will be taken of deliveries left if recipient isn’t available to receive. Should the recipient not be present to receive your order our Courier will do their best to place your order in a safe place at your nominated delivery address, however we will not be held accountable for theft or extreme weather.

If for some reason we are unable to deliver your order at the stipulated delivery address (eg: incorrect address details provided upon order placement), we will contact you to advise and if required an additional delivery charge will be incurred should you decide that your order be re-delivered.


Add Ons

6 decadent, smooth hazelnut praline flower pots, each adorned with a delicate handmade candy flower in luxurious pure milk chocolate. They make an excellent gift option for someone special.

A 24 piece selection of our finest chocolates and truffles. Our chocolate gift boxes include a selection of milk, dark and white chocolates and truffles made by Chocolatier Australia right here in their Melbourne chocolate factory. An effortless gift to say thank you, happy birthday, or congratulations.

premium couverture milk chocolate. Presented in a gift box. They're the perfect size for a treat in your bag or desk drawer for an afternoon treat.

Beechworth honey-infused honeycomb generously coated in premium milk chocolate gift box. They're enrobed in premium couverture milk chocolate, presented in a gift box. Its size makes it ideal as a gift, a treat, or as part of a larger gift.

Whole roasted hazelnuts generously coated in premium milk chocolate presented in a gift box. Its size makes it ideal as a gift, a treat, or as part of a larger gift.

A couverture milk chocolate heart covered in 100s & 1000s, presented in a gift bag with a pink card. This makes a great gift but would also work as a table topper or cake decoration.

Product price: $160.00
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